
Bani Al Areef Village, Lot 3


Cup Notes: Peach Blossom, White Raisin, Nectarine, Strawberry, Dried Date, Black Tea

This year we are proud to offer a Yemenite coffee that is among the best lots we have ever had that stood out on the cupping table. It has a bright acidity thanks to the high altitude of cultivation, and it showcases the terroir beautifully - despite the carbonic maceration.

Suggested for espresso and filter

when we roast

We freshly roast to order all coffees on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excluding national holidays), and ship the same day! Cut-off time is 11:59pm (UTC+1) of the day before the roast day. *We only ship whole beans*


Several small farmers
1700-2100 masl
Anaerobic Natural - Raised Beds
Arabica cultivar
Yemeni unknown (see below)
Picked in
November 2022
Arrived in
March 2023
Shipped in
Cardboard box + Vacuum pack
Roast profile by
Rubens Gardelli
Roasted on
Customised solid-drum roaster

Suggested brewing recipe

To help you make the best out of your coffee, Rubens has crafted recipes for brewing this particular lot in filter.

There are two recipes: one for conical brewer (think v60) and one for flat-bottom brewer (think Kalita), however you can surely brew our coffees with any other brewing device, such as immersion brewers.

Please remember that these recipes are intended as starting points and may require further adjustments if the equipment you use is not identical to the one in the recipe; the characteristics of water used can also make a big difference in brewing.

Finally, the recipes suited specifically to Rubens’ roasting style, hence we do not guarantee that they will work as a universal reference.

Have fun brewing!

Comandante 14 clicks (medium)
250g (40tds) at 92 Celsius
Filter model:
Cafec Abaca+
Brew strenght:
Comandante 13 clicks (medium)
250g (40tds) at 92 Celsius
Filter model:
Stagg [X], Fellow
Brew strenght:
1,45 tds


Bani Al Areef is a village located west of Haraz. Here, around twenty farmers cultivate coffee as the main source of income for the village which is about 16km from the center of Manakhah District. Coffee is cultivated on the agricultural terraces, located at an altitude from 1700 up to 2100 meters above sea level. The exact history of coffee cultivation in the village of Bani Al Areef is unknown, but the cultivation of coffee in Haraz has been documented for at least  400 years ago, and the farmers here cultivate and harvest coffee in the same traditional way, since no modern machines for cultivation, irrigation or harvesting have reached the village.

Traditionally farmers in Yemen work on small plots from 60–70 trees to 400–500 trees. The variety mainly is Jaadi/Udhini, which is a large tree known for its good yields.

Each producer's delivery is recorded at the time of delivery to the processing station, and the farmer receives a price based on the quantity of coffee delivered, its moisture content at the time of delivery, and density.



Technical informations received from our seller, refer this coffee to be a Jaadi and Udhini variety.
While searching on the internet for information about this arabica cultivars, we read:
"The colloquial Yemeni names for coffee trees include Udaini, Jaadi, Tufahi, and Dawairi. Though farmers used to believe that each name was connected to a specific variety, they weren’t. Researchers found “significant differences in the names used from one region to another” to represent the same plant, showing that the names don’t represent scientific fact. In practice, this means that some of these traditional names end up on retail bags in markets abroad, with the same name applied to coffees that are very different in appearance and taste."
We share this with you since we believe in transparency, and if informations are not exhaustive and uncertain, we prefer not to make anything up.


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