
El Paraiso - Colombia


*Terroir Best Lot*

Cup Notes
Redcurrant / Gooseberry / Green apple / Pear / Caramel

Suggested for espresso and filter


when we roast

We freshly roast to order all coffees on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excluding national holidays), and ship the same day! Cut-off time is 11:59pm (UTC+1) of the day before the roast day. *We only ship whole beans*


Ernedis Rodriguez
Classic Washed - Raised Beds
Arabica cultivar
Picked in
July 2017
Arrived in
March 2018
Shipped in
Jute + GrainPro
Roast profile by
Rubens Gardelli
Roasted on
Customised solid-drum roaster


Ernedis Rodriguez is a young farmer, extremely motivated to produce great coffees. He always come up with crazy ideas for experiments with different types of processing, like extended fermentations in different ways (aerobic, anaerobic, partially in cherry etc.)
Ernedis has been producing coffee his entire life and the hard work and effort that he puts into producing his coffees is evident not only in cup quality, but also in the physical quality of the beans.

El Paraiso is a beautiful farm 12km east of Gigante, Huila, perched exactly at the rim of a mountain with most of the fields facing west across the beautiful Magdalena river valley. His mostly caturra trees grow at an elevation of approx. 1840m above sea level guaranteeing a great sweetness in the cup.
The farm consists of a total of 14 hectares, of which 7 are part of a natural reserve. The other 7 hectares currently produce coffee, 70% of which are of the Caturra varietal and 30% Castillo. All of his specialty lots are 100% Caturra and the Castillo lots are processed and sold separately to help finance the daily operations of the farm.
The coffee of Ernedis can be described as extremely sweet and full in the mouth.


Caturra coffee varietal was developed by the Alcides Carvalho Coffee Center of the IAC, Instituto Agronomico of the Sao Paulo State in Brazil.
In 1937, IAC received seed samples of genetic materials originated on the border of the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. It was from Red Caturra and yellow Caturra cultivars. These two cultivars originated by natural mutation of Bourbon Red, originally a tall coffee shrub, found in the Serra do Caparaó , which is now a mountainous National Park north east of the city of Rio de Janeiro.
These are the main agronomic characteristics of the Red and Yellow Caturra varietals:
1. It is the of small size, of reduced length of internodes, leaves and side branches, providing compact appearance to the coffee shrub.
2. This is the first naturally occurred coffee mutation found, with small size and high yield capacity
3. They have excellent quality in the cup because they have virtually 100% of the Bourbon coffee in their genetic makeup.
4. the conditions in which they were planted in Brazil to cultivate Caturra showed low hardiness and consequent lack of vigor after a few harvests, which led to the premature depletion in yield.


This 100% Caturra lot has been processed with extended fermentations to up to 72 hours. He dries all coffee in a shaded greenhouse on the rim of the mountain guaranteeing good ventilation across the drying beds.