Liyu Ethiopia


Jasmine / Apricot / Mango / Nectarine

suggested for espresso and filter


We roast to order all coffees on Wednesday and Saturday, dispatching on next working day. Cut-off time is 8am UTC+1

Technical detail

Several small farmers   Ethiopia     
   Producer             Country
  Oromia (Guji)          1950 masl
       Region               Elevation


        Wet                  Heirlooms
Pulping process       Cultivar    


   January 15               July 15  
     Picked in              Landed in


       12000 kg              GrainPro bag
     Lot size                Arrived in
   Rubens Gardelli     drum roaster
  Roast profile by    Roasted on



This exceptional coffee comes from the Sidama zone in southern Ethiopia. Guji is a relatively remote district found in East Sidamo and was named after one of the tribes of the Oromo people.
This coffee is grown at an altitude of up to 2,000 meters in accordance with the local traditions without the use of chemicals. Coffee plants are grown by smallholders in their back gardens. Handpicked ripe coffee cherries are purchased by the washing station who oversee the processing and sorting before selling the beans to The Ethiopia Commodity Exchange.
At the washing station, the coffee cherries are pulped with an Agared machine. This is a pulper that has no mucilage remover. The coffee beans are fermented for about 35-48 hours in fermentation tanks, depending on the climate. After the coffee is washed, it is then dried in parchment for 9-15 days on elevated beds.
The ‘Heirloom’ varieties most resemble the ‘Typica’ variety, although there is no exact way of tracing their development and biological background – creating somewhat, an air of mystery! There are now over 1000 different heirloom varieties growing in the wild forests of Ethiopia and the first steps to separating them into specific lots are underway. These varieties are responsible for some of the most coveted cup profiles/characteristics in the world – floral, citrus, cocoa, wild berries, among many others.
As coffee is pulped, the sugars remain on the bean and these sugars are then fermented in water in fermentation tanks for a period spanning 48-76 hours, depending on the heat and altitude from where the coffee is delivered. Once sugars are completely eliminated through the fermentation process the coffee moves under the sun for drying in parchment.
The acidity of washed Ethiopian coffees is much more pronounced due to the fact that the sugars have been removed from the coffee. In contrast to the natural process, where sweetness is key, one can more clearly perceive the acidity in these washed coffees.
Working in partnership with Addis Exporter, a business with more than 100 years experience in exporting high quality coffee from Ethiopia, our supplier has been able to select a complex washed coffee, given the name ‘Liyu’. The smallholder farmers have hand-picked their cherries and sold them to the local washing station who oversees the processing and sorting before selling the beans to the ECX, who grade the beans according to SCAA standards. Addis Exporter then purchases the top quality lots from the ECX and selects the best for their Guji washed ‘Liyu’.
The purchase of this coffee supports the ‘Girls Gotta Run Foundation’ a non-profit organisation that empowers girls in Ethiopia through running and education (

please note

All orders are shipped on Friday, Monday and Wednesday (excluding national Holidays).
Cut-off time is 11:59pm (UTC+1) of the day before shipping days.