
Argelia, Decaffeinated

Terroir Best Lot

Cup Notes
Apple / Caramel / Brown sugar / Dark chocolate

Suggested for espresso and filter

A beautiful coffee, decaffeinated with the natural sugar cane method, so full of flavour that you wouldn't distinguish it from your regular one.
You could enjoy it all day.

when we roast

We freshly roast to order all coffees on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excluding national holidays), and ship the same day! Cut-off time is 11:59pm (UTC+1) of the day before the roast day. *We only ship whole beans*


Quality Score
Several small farmers
1700-2000 masl
Classic Washed - Patio Drying
Arabica cultivar
Castillo, Caturra
Picked in
August 2022
Arrived in
February 2023
Shipped in
Jute + GrainPro
Roast profile by
Rubens Gardelli
Roasted on
Customised solid-drum roaster

Suggested brewing recipe

To help you make the best out of your coffee, Rubens has crafted recipes for brewing this particular lot in filter.

There are two recipes: one for conical brewer (think v60) and one for flat-bottom brewer (think Kalita), however you can surely brew our coffees with any other brewing device, such as immersion brewers.

Please remember that these recipes are intended as starting points and may require further adjustments if the equipment you use is not identical to the one in the recipe; the characteristics of water used can also make a big difference in brewing.

Finally, the recipes suited specifically to Rubens’ roasting style, hence we do not guarantee that they will work as a universal reference.

Have fun brewing!

Comandante 22 clicks (medium)
250g (40tds) at 92 Celsius
Brew strenght:
1,48 tds
Comandante 25 clicks (medium)
250g (40tds) at 92 Celsius
Brew strenght:
1,45 tds


This coffee comes from the municipality of Argelia, which is situated in the south west of the department of Cauca. Cauca is the fourth largest producer of specialty coffee in Colombia with around 90,000 smallholder farmers who produce a mix of varieties – Typica, Tabi, Caturra, Castillo and Colombia – on holdings of approximately 1ha. In addition to producing coffee, they grow small amounts of food, including bananas, avocado and oranges for consumption or trade.

The Argelia municipality is located in an area that has been plagued by the civil unrest and illegal drug trade for many years. This is still a pertinent problem for the families living here and many of them are looking to make a living through legal channels and to support their families and communities.

In 2020, Siruma Coffee, a small specialty female led exporter, launched a project in Argelia for an initial period of 15 months until early 2022. The funding came from USAID to support five small associations incorporating about 220 families that grow coffee to make a living.

Siruma has been providing technical assistance off the ground with their agronomist holding educational sessions on pre- and post-harvest techniques for the families that wish to join. The producers are also being trained in sensory analysis of the coffees and of the impact of processing on its quality. Baseline data was gathered from the producers who each produce approximately 17 bags of green exportable coffee annually.


Castillo is named after the researcher Jamie Castillo, who helped Cenicafe, Colombia’s coffee research centre, develop the varietal in 2005.
Castillo was designed as an improvement on the Colombia variety. It is resistant to leaf rust (roya) and has quickly become the most planted coffee in Colombia. It is high-yield, resistant to leaf rust and other prevalent diseases and its smaller size allows for greater planting density.

Coffea Arabica Caturra is one of the most famous coffee varieties in the world and one of the most cultivated in Colombia. According to the experts, this type of coffee combines its high yields with a good cup quality, a quality that culminates in a very pleasant final flavor. The Caturra variety comes from the Bourbon family and the Bourbon-Tìpica Group, with a single gene mutation that causes the plant to grow smaller.


During harvest, the farmers pick ripe cherry with their family: this is done every week as the coffee ripens at varying stages even on such small plots. Once picked, the cherry are washed and floated. They are subsequently pulped and left to ferment overnight for 12-18 hours. Wet parchment is then floated and immature cherries are removed before being dried for 8-14 days in parabolic tents or on covered roof patios.

The coffee is then taken to the association, where it is stored, and the producers receive the initial payment for their coffees. 
Next, the coffee is assessed by the Siruma team who certify that all the coffees purchased meet the quality specifications.


The coffee first undergoes steaming at low pressures to remove the silverskins. It is then moistened with hot water to allow the beans to swell and soften. This step prepares the coffee for the hydrolysis of caffeine, which is attached to the salts of the chlorogenic acid within the coffee.

The extractors, that are naturally obtained from the fermentation of sugar cane and not from chemical synthesis, are then filled with moistened coffee, which is washed several times with the natural ethyl acetate solvent, to reduce the caffeine down to the desired levels. Once this process is finished, the coffee must be cleaned of the remaining ethyl acetate through a flow of low pressured saturated steam, before moving onto the final steps. The coffee is then sent to vacuum drying drums, where the water previously used to moisten the beans is removed and the coffee is dried to reach the level of humidity between 10-12%.

Once dried to the desired level, the coffee is cooled quickly to ambient temperature using fans before the final step – the application of carnauba wax to polish and provide the coffee with protection against environmental conditions and to help provide stability. Finally, the coffee is then packed into 35 kg bags ready for export.


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