Uraga Lot 392 (Ethiopia) - 250g front
  • Uraga Lot 392 (Ethiopia) - 250g front
  • Uraga Lot 392 (Ethiopia) - product
  • Uraga Lot 392 (Ethiopia) - product
  • Uraga Lot 392 (Ethiopia) - product


Uraga Lot 392

Terroir Best Lot

Cup Notes
Strawberry / Orange / Mango / Papaya
Suggested for espresso and filter

when we roast

We freshly roast to order all coffees on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excluding national holidays), and ship the same day! Cut-off time is 11:59pm (UTC+1) of the day before the roast day. *We only ship whole beans*


Quality Score
Terroir Best Lot
Several small farmers
1900-2100 masl
Anaerobic Natural - Raised Beds
Arabica cultivar
Ethiopian Heirloom
Picked in
January 2022
Arrived in
September 2022
Shipped in
Jute + GrainPro
Roast profile by
Rubens Gardelli
Roasted on
Customised solid-drum roaster


This grade 1 microlot is from Guji Uraga wetmill, named after its location in the Uraga district. The lot was sourced from smallholder farmers cultivating Ethiopian heirlooms. 

Guji Uraga washing station is located in the Guji zone of the Oromia region. At the station, cherries from local smallholder farmers, cultivated between 1,900 and 2,100 masl are cultivated. Coffee trees are typically shaded by cordia and acacia.

Over the years,  this region has developed a distinguished reputation for fine coffees, producing some of the most sought-after microlots in the world. The combination of high altitude (up to 2,200 masl in some areas), fertile soil, consistent and plentiful rains, and an abundance of local knowledge all contribute to the high quality of Yirgacheffe and Guji coffees. The indigenous heirloom varietals, that grow wild in Ethiopia, contribute significantly to the unique flavours and an unusual, yet refined cup.


Uraga Lot 392 (Ethiopia) - story


Ethiopian Heirloom, why the generic name? It's estimated that there are somewhere in-between six and ten thousand coffee varietals in Ethiopia. And due to this colossal figure, there hasn’t been the genetic testing to allow buyers to distinguish the varietal. With the cross pollination that naturally happens in the wild, the name ‘Ethiopian Heirloom’ exists as a catch-all phrase to describe this happenstance. However, that really makes Ethiopian quite a mystery – and an interesting mystery as each village or town could potentially have a different varietal which could carry very unique properties.

Uraga Lot 392 (Ethiopia) - variety


As producers give increasing consideration to the effect of fermentation on the quality and profile of their coffee, they are adopting different and interesting techniques to their repertoires in order to diversify their offering. One method that is becoming more popular is fermenting coffee in a controlled anaerobic environment, meaning that the coffee is held in a vessel without any presence of oxygen for a part of the fermentation process. This lot is naturally processed with an extended seven-day cherry fermentation in an anaerobic environment.

Uraga Lot 392 (Ethiopia) - fermentation