Cup Notes: Bergamot, Earl Grey Tea, Lemon, Apple
Discover the vibrant and complex flavours of this outstanding Ethiopian lot from the renowned Yirgacheffe terroir.
Suggested for espresso and filter
when we roast
We freshly roast to order all coffees on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excluding national holidays), and ship the same day! Cut-off time is 11:59pm (UTC+1) of the day before the roast day. *We only ship whole beans*
This Grade 1 washed microlot comes from the Worka Wuri wetmill in Gedeb, near Yirgacheffe. The mill processes cherries from around 650 local smallholder farmers who grow coffee at elevations of up to 2,100 masl.
The Worka Wuri washing station is located near the town of Gedeb in the Gedeo Zone of the SNNP region of Southern Ethiopia. Over the years, this region has earned a distinguished reputation for its exceptional coffees, producing some of the world’s most sought-after microlots. The combination of high altitude (up to 2,200 masl in certain areas), fertile soil, consistent and plentiful rains, and a wealth of local expertise all contribute to the high status of Yirgacheffe coffees.
Ethiopian heirlooms, why the generic name? It's estimated that there are somewhere in-between six and ten thousand coffee varietals in Ethiopia. And due to this colossal figure, there hasn’t been the genetic testing to allow buyers to distinguish the varietal. With the cross pollination that naturally happens in the wild, the name "Ethiopian Heirloom" exists as a catch-all phrase to describe this happenstance.
However, that really makes Ethiopian quite a mystery and an interesting mystery as each village or town could potentially have a different varietal which could carry very unique properties.
Ripe cherries are delivered to the wetmill for careful sorting and pulping, followed by fermentation for 36–48 hours, depending on the weather conditions. After fermentation, the parchment coffee is thoroughly washed and graded by bean density before being sun-dried on raised African beds for 12–15 days, until the ideal moisture level is reached.
During the day, the parchment is raked and turned regularly to ensure even drying. It is covered between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. to protect it from intense sunlight and at night to shield it from rain and moisture. Once the coffee reaches the desired moisture level, it is transported to Addis Abeba for dry milling, grading, intensive sorting, and handpicking before being packed in GrainPro bags for export.