
Agua Sarca

Terroir Best Lot

Cup Notes
Red grape / Apple / Cinnamon / Apricot / Brown sugar / Cocoa

A truly exceptional lot crafted from the rare Maracaturra variety, hailing from the lush coffee regions of Central America. But what sets this coffee apart is the extraordinary anaerobic fermentation process that elevates its flavour profile to new heights.

Suggested for espresso and filter

when we roast

We freshly roast to order all coffees on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excluding national holidays), and ship the same day! Cut-off time is 11:59pm (UTC+1) of the day before the roast day. *We only ship whole beans*


Quality Score
Terroir Best Lot
Isacio Javier Albir Vílchez
1350 masl
Anaerobic Natural - Raised Beds
Arabica cultivar
Picked in
January 2023
Arrived in
October 2023
Shipped in
Jute + GrainPro
Roast profile by
Rubens Gardelli
Roasted on
Customised solid-drum roaster

Suggested brewing recipe

To help you make the best out of your coffee, Rubens has crafted recipes for brewing this particular lot in filter.

There are two recipes: one for conical brewer (think V60) and one for flat-bottom brewer (think Kalita), however you can surely brew our coffees with any other brewing device, such as immersion brewers.

Please remember that these recipes are intended as starting points and may require further adjustments if the equipment you use is not identical to the one in the recipe; the characteristics of water used can also make a big difference in brewing.

Finally, the recipes suited specifically to Rubens’ roasting style, hence we do not guarantee that they will work as a universal reference.

Have fun brewing!

Comandante 33 clicks (medium)
250g (40tds) at 93 Celsius
Brew strenght:
1,48 tds
Comandante 30 clicks (medium)
250g (40tds) at 93 Celsius
Brew strenght:
1,46 tds


Agua Sarca is a beautiful coffee plantation nestled in the heart of Nueva Segovia, Ocotal-Las Manos, Dipilto, owned by Isacio Javier Albir Vílchez. The farm is a testament to heritage and love for coffee, passed down in the family for more than 30 years. At an altitude range of 1200-1400 masl, the farm spans 76 hectares and is home to several coffee varieties including Caturra, Catuaí Amarillo, Catuaí Rojo, Maracaturra, Ovata, Parainema, Marcelleza, and Geisha. The coffee trees thrive in the franco sandy soil, with their roots drawing rich nutrients resulting in beans full of flavour. With an average yield of 18 quintals of parchment per hectare, Agua Sarca is a significant contributor to the local coffee economy. The farm employs 25 permanent workers, with the team expanding to 85 people during the harvest season, which typically runs from November to March. Eco-friendly practices in cultivating the coffee are rigorously followed on the farm. The trees are pruned regularly for better yield, fertilised with a combination of organic and mineral fertilisers, and only low-intensity pesticides are used. The team is trained to pick only the ripest coffee cherries, ensuring that the quality is maintained throughout the harvest process.

This specific lot comes from a 14 hectare-plot, which sits at an altitude of 1350 masl, where the Maracaturra variety is cultivated. The challenges faced by the farm are those shared by many coffee producers worldwide. Climate change has led to higher production costs, and coupled with scarce resources and lack of financing, it makes coffee production a complex task. However, the resilience of Agua Sarca and its team has kept them going. Future plans include improving the wet milling system to optimise operations and keep delivering their high-quality coffee. No other crops are grown at Agua Sarca. It is a pure dedication to coffee that makes Agua Sarca special, and the heritage of that dedication is embodied in each cup.


The Maracaturra coffee variety is a hybrid of two other varieties: Maragogipe and Caturra. Maracaturra was primarily developed in Nicaragua, and from there it spread to other coffee-producing locations in the region. The distinctive characteristic of this variety is the size of its coffee beans, which are sizeably larger than those of other varieties. This peculiarity can influence the flavour of the resulting cup. Maracaturra is renowned for its unique flavour profile. The flavour can vary depending on the terroir, cultivation methods, and processing techniques, but it often features fruity notes, lively acidity, and a full body. Maracaturra is more susceptible to diseases compared to other varieties due to the increased exposure to rain, caused by the larger bean size. As a result, its cultivation requires special attention to disease prevention and growth management.

This variety may have variable productivity depending on the growing conditions and care. While some producers choose this variety for its unique flavour characteristics, the yield may not be as high as with more common coffee varieties. Maracaturra is often appreciated for its characteristic flavour profile and is cultivated with a view to producing special, high-quality lots. The success of cultivating Maracaturra depends on various factors, including agronomic management, local climate, and dedicated care from the producers. Maracaturra is just one of the many coffee varieties available, each with its unique characteristics and flavour profiles. It's important to note that the success of cultivating Maracaturra depends on various factors, including agronomic management, local climate, and dedicated care from the producers.

Maracaturra is just one of the many coffee varieties available, each with its unique characteristics and flavour profiles.


The batch to be harvested is selected, and then the cherries are collected when the fruit is ripe. After harvesting, beans are going through the first sorting, then they are immersed in water to remove any floaters and stored in plastic barrels for a period of 72 to 120 hours in an anaerobic environment. After the fermentation, the coffee is transported to the dry mill and placed on covered African beds for drying. During the drying, the coffee never comes into contact with the ground, and PVC rakes are used for its handling.

Once the coffee is dry, it is stored in a special area in the warehouse, where it is stacked by quality, producer, and process. Coffee is always stored in plastic bags and new sacks. When the coffee is ready for export, it is lifted from the patios at a humidity of 11 to 11.5%, stored, and rested for a month. It is then milled and packed in Ecotact bags and jute sacks with the corresponding ICO.