Gitwe (Rwanda) - 250g
  • Gitwe (Rwanda) - 250g
  • Gitwe (Rwanda)
  • Gitwe (Rwanda) Fermentation
  • Gitwe (Rwanda)




Cup Notes
Hibiscus / Orange / Toffee / Honey

Suggested for espresso and filter

when we roast

We freshly roast to order all coffees on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excluding national holidays), and ship the same day! Cut-off time is 11:59pm (UTC+1) of the day before the roast day. *We only ship whole beans*


Quality Score
Several small farmers
1700-1800 masl
Arabica cultivar
Red Bourbon
Picked in
March 2023
Arrived in
October 2023
Shipped in
Jute + GrainPro
Roast profile by
Rubens Gardelli
Roasted on
Customised solid-drum roaster

Suggested brewing recipe

To help you make the best out of your coffee, Rubens has crafted recipes for brewing this particular lot in filter.

There are two recipes: one for conical brewer (think v60) and one for flat-bottom brewer (think Kalita), however you can surely brew our coffees with any other brewing device, such as immersion brewers.

Please remember that these recipes are intended as starting points and may require further adjustments if the equipment you use is not identical to the one in the recipe; the characteristics of water used can also make a big difference in brewing.

Finally, the recipes suited specifically to Rubens’ roasting style, hence we do not guarantee that they will work as a universal reference.

Have fun brewing!

250g (40 tds) at 90°C
Brew strenght:
1,44 tds
Comandante 19 clicks (medium)
250g (40 tds) at 90°C
Brew strenght:
1,45 tds


Gitwe, the washing station producing possibly the most valued specialty coffee lots from Rwanda, is, in fact, one of the smallest stations in the Western Province. Covering an area of less than 1 hectare, Gitwe is situated in a particularly advantageous location, at the top of a mountain valley at the altitude of almost 2000 meters above the sea level. Just 3 km from Gatare and near the town of Kamina in the Karambi sector, Gitwe is the name of the land on which the station is built. Healthy coffee trees and tropical fruit line the trail down to the station from the road above.

Built in 2016, the station employs 6 full-time staff, and at least 50 people are hired during the harvest season, 90% of whom are women. Although Gitwe is a tiny station, 1020 farmers contribute to its annual production of 500 tons of cherry, all of which are of high-quality specialty grade. All these farmers have received specialised training. Farm sizes range from just 150 coffee trees to 6000 trees, occupying 2.5 hectares. While most farms are located within the distance of 2-3 km from the station, many of the farmers are elderly with limited mobility, that is why 15 cherry collection points are set up around the station. The station manager, Augustin, is originally from Kigali, but after a period of ill health, he left the city in favour of the mountain air and rural environment. He moved to manage and live near the washing station in 2018 and has not been sick since.

The recent harvests at Gitwe have proven to be truly special, thanks in part to the experimentation with processing and production of honey-processed lots in the past several years.

Gitwe (Rwanda) Story


Red Bourbon is a variety native to East Africa, specifically to Ethiopia. It gets its name from the Bourbon island, now known as Réunion, where it was subsequently cultivated. However, its genetic origin can be traced back to Ethiopian coffee varieties. From Réunion, it was exported to other regions worldwide, including Latin America and other coffee-producing areas.

The name "Red Bourbon" originates from the bright red colour of the cherries, which sets it apart from other varieties. Its flavor profile is characterised by a harmonious combination of fruity notes, often reminiscent of berries, and a delicate floral aroma. It is also known for its bright acidity.

Typically cultivated at elevations ranging from 1,100 to 2,000 meters above sea level, this variety thrives in high-altitude regions where it develops its distinctive flavours.

Gitwe (Rwanda) Variety


Honey process, named after the pulp surrounding the coffee bean inside the fruit, which tends to be sticky, is used mainly in Central American countries such as Costa Rica and El Salvador (which is why this lot from Rwanda is so exciting!). The cherries are mechanically depulped after collection, but the depulping machines are set to leave a specific amount of pulp on the beans.
After depulping the beans go straight to the drying tables or patios. As there is less pulp surrounding the beans, the risk of over-fermentation is lower than in natural process, but the sweetness and body of the cup are increased due to transferring to the beans of the sugars from the remaining pulp.
When well done, honey processed coffees combine the best from both washed and natural coffees: sweetness of naturals and brightness of washed.

Honey processed lots are quite often referred to by colours: black, red, yellow, and white honey. The colour refers to the amount of fruit pulp that is left on the bean after depulping. Black honeys have the most of the pulp left on the bean, while there is only a bit of pulp left on white honey lots. The amount of pulp remaining on the bean during drying certainly has the impact on the cup profile: black honeys are closer to naturals and white honeys are more similar to washed coffees.

Gitwe (Rwanda)