La Camilina Gesha - Panama
CUP SCORE 94.00 (SCA cup protocol)
*Competition Series*
Jasmine / Raspberry / Strawberry / Kiwi / Melon / Peach
suggested for espresso and filter
We roast to order all coffees on Wednesday and Saturday, dispatching on next working day. Cut-off time is 8am UTC+1
Technical detail
The Finca is comprised of 30 hectares, 14.5 of which are farmed, and the rest remains pristine highland tropical forest. Shade is provided by native trees and the area has a stable micro climate without a lot of difference in temperature between day and night. The high altitude also calls for a later harvest and the combination of this with the forest and shade provides for a limited-supply, highly complex beans.
Coffee is processed either semi washed or washed. Coffee is sun dried, and finished drying in the mill. Coffee packing is done at the requirements of clients. High end coffees like La Camilina lot are vacuum packed and boxed.
Geisha (the Spanish spelling of the word Gesha) is a variety of coffee crop under the Genus of Arabica. Originally found in Ethiopia by Mount Gesha and hence name Gesha, its roots are from Ethiopia. One of the first experiments at bringing this variety out of Ethiopia occurred in Panama and Costa Rica. The challenges in getting the Gesha (then named Geisha by Spanish speakers) to grow and produce coffee cherries were immense. Once these challenges were overcome the results in the cup were unlike any coffee ever tasted. The Geisha provides a high level of complexity with a delicate almost tea like body. With its generally elongated beans and distinctive floral and chocolate cup, the Gesha variety continues to distinguish itself as one of the world’s most unique coffees.
Wholesale Orders
please note
All orders are shipped on
Friday, Monday and Wednesday (excluding national Holidays).
Cut-off time is
11:59pm (UTC+1) of the day before shipping days.